Monday, December 6, 2010

it's beginning to look like Christmas

It's pretty snowy today. Yesterday we were walking on the street and these people were doing free pictures with santa and I don't know what came over me and I was like lets get one.. my companion was a little skeptical at first. Then the camara didn't work and it took longer than I thought and I felt bad but we talked to two of the elves about the gospel so really it was just an out of the box finding activity. We have had some sweet miracles. I called a girl I talked to on the subway a few days ago then she called back while we were in church and left a message and was like I would really like to join your church. She came to the First presidency christmas devotional last night and really liked it. She is wonderful. she is coming to FHE tonight. Curtis is an investigator that we have been working with for awhile and he has had such a rough past. He used to be in the rap industry in Harlem New York... and he was in a bad way when we first met him but he has come to church once and FHE 2 times and to the ward christmas party and he just smiles. I asked him why and he said he was happy. It's amazing to see the changes the people go through. We finally got Gerald to commit to praying about a specific date he did not want to do that because he's afraid something will come up and he won't make it. he was baptized but not confirmed 15 years ago and he knows everything is true and he wants to be baptized but he has a lot of obstacles. We told him setting a goal always helps us progress more than we would if we don't set goals and he said he's going to pick a day and pray about it. The hardest thing here is people are sooo busy.. most are going to school and working and finding time is really hard. We just keep trying though. Mandla who was baptized the first week I was here is struggling cause his employers make him work on sunday now and he is so sad about it. He reads the book of mormon everyday and I love calling him and hearing him tell us what he has learned. He always says how much he loves Nephi. So it's been a good week but very emotional for me. I think this Christmas will be a struggle as I miss my family and my sweet mom. There are no words to tell how I feel. I'm grateful for prayer and for the scriptures. I am being carried through. Life is so full of dissapointments and things we don't understand and i'm learning more and more to just accept and not question but to keep on moving forward. Life is so much more full of blessings and things to be grateful for. when I am at my lowest my companion and I go back and forth and say what we love and are grateful for... that's something I learned from dad and I'm glad I have such fond memories of doing that with him. It really lifts my spirits. I've noticed that it is in my moments of feeling the most peace and happiness that I feel closest to my mom. I know that those are the feelings she is wanting so much for us all to feel. It is when I doubt and focus on the negative that I feel the most separated from her. I challenge each of you to look for the good in life, despite what happens. God is waiting and there to comfort us whenever we choose to let him. I love you all. I don't know if I shared this thought before but I think often of when the Savior went to suffer for us in the Garden and He was sore amazed.. or surpised.. He even asked to let the cup pass from him. But in the end He said Thy Will be done... and I think that's how i have felt of course in a much smaller degree. I think we all knew we would come to earth and go through the struggles and pains of life but I think it is surprising when we realize how much it can hurt. I know I have been surprised. But there is a way and that is through our Savior. I know He lives. I know that the more I try to put my will in line with the Fathers I find more peace. I miss you. I love you!

Love Sister Savage

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