Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Letter 5

So yesterday was supposed to be P-Day but they have a new holiday in Canada on Feb 15 called family day.. so we worked on finding families :) Things are going good here! It's been an adventurous week.. I was doing some cleaning the other day and I noticed a funny smell in the kitchen and so I bent down and was looking under the sink but i didn't see anything so I closed the cupboard and right by me on the floor is a box that is a mouse trap and there was three dead mice in it! SOOO gross! We are very fortunate that the Zone leaders live in our building and came and took care of it for us. then at church on sunday the library smelled so bad because a racoon had gotten into the ceiling and died.. how it got up there i don't know. We have been working and praying to find people to teach. We are still teaching George and on sunday we met an awesome indian family that is going to come to church next week. Such a blessing! I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I read today in 2 Nephi 3 and 4 and It's when joseph of Egypt is prophesying of our day when a seer will be raised up and the book of mormon will come forth.. Sooo cool. On sunday this sister gave a talk about william Tindale and what he did to get the Bible in English and he once said to a priest that someday a plow boy would know more about the Bible than he. God does inspire men in every age.. he is the same yesterday today and forever! I know that God does have a perfect plan for us and that everything will work out and it's so exciting when we have faith and then can look back and see how we've been led. I hope all is well I love you and am so grateful for you. Be a member missionary.. the full time missionaries need you! I hope to hear from you soon! Send PICTURES! Love Sister Savage
PS they keep reminding us to tell people not to send packages through UPS.. and also it's probably best to send letters to the mission home and not my apartment because we don't have the key to open the box.. the other elders do but it's a pain to get it from them so just send letters to the mission home! Love you again and THANK YOU so much for all the support!wow i'm sending you like 79 things today. I just forgot some stuff i was going to write in my email. I would love any idea's from anyone on finding people.. good conversation starters and places to meet people. That would be great. I am so sorry to all those whose birthday's i've missed.. there has been quite a few but i do think of you, it's just hard cause you really only have one shot of remembering everything. I hope there have been some very happy birthdays! I wanted to write about a baptism I went to on Sunday.. it was one of our brothers from Iran and I sat by a woman named Bita who has been coming to church for a really long time and she kept turning to me and telling me how she was all shivery and she cried a little... the spirit was so strong. SHe is so torn because her parents are very against her being baptized but she wants it and also if she goes back to Iran ever she would be killed.. pretty intense. The Persian members are such amazing example of faith. I tried some of the most nasty persian drink ever.. it is carbonated fermented yogurt and water.. eww! Don't worry i'll bring some home:) I also ate the spicest Korean food ever.. we were all crying and sweating the whole time.. pretty painful but it tasted good. Ok bye bye for now!

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