Thursday, March 3, 2011

In Motion :)

Well I just read emails and my heart is so full of gratitude for all of you. I have a new favorite song that came on the other morning and it reminded me a lot of my prayers these past few months and how grateful I am the I have been able to Keep in Motion even though at times it has seemed far beyond possible. It goes like this.

Stop the world from turning long enough for me to catch my breath,
I'm caught up in a whirlwind wondering if the storms will ever rest.
The road is rough but IT'S WORTH TO MUCH to let it slip away,
give me strength to make it one more day!
Keep me in Motion when I'm frozen by the fear
of these emotions and I can't see my way clear
when I'm up against a wall
when I stumble and I fall down on my knees,
Oh please, keep me in motion
like the river to the sea
give me devotion to live more faithfully
till I find myself again like the rhythm of the wind on the ocean
Keep me in motion
This path that I have chosen is harder than I thought that it would be,
But all along the journey I FEEL THE HAND OF HEAVEN GUIDING ME,
And when the light I'm living by leads me to the edge
Give me faith to take another step

I know that I have been able to keep going not because of me or my strength but because the Lord knows my desires and He has helped me have the strength to keep going. We had a meeting this week and one of my zone leaders shared the bible dictionary's definition of conversion and I love it. IT says's "Conversion denotes changing one's view, in a conscious acceptance of the will of God..... Conversion will change a natural man into a sanctified, born again, purified person- an new creature in Christ Jesus. Complete conversion comes after many trials and much testing. To labor for the conversion of one's self and other is a noble task." I have thought a lot about conversion. I came on a mission wanting so much to make a difference in helping others to become converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ... sometimes it is hard to see if you're making a difference. I know Satan wants us to believe that maybe we just aren't meant to make a difference as much as we had hoped. I have been fighting against this thought I know that any effort we make in strengthening our own or others conversion is of worth. I was thinking of how all of you are in this same process to. Barbara wrote me and said she felt like me when we had a lot of investigators at church with her kids and making sure they are having a good experience. That is so awesome to have that view.. I have learned that our greatest investigators we will teach will be our children. I am excited for the things I'm learning here and I hope to have missionary work be a part of my life and home forever.

Sometimes I wish I could record my mission and send you clips because there just aren't words to describe. We had some great experiences and some strange ones this week. We went to another baptism in Spanish and they sang I know that my redeemer lives and God be with you till we meet again and the spirit was really strong and I cried and laughed through them both because there is this guy who got baptized in another ward but he is just super friendly and funny and he kept looking back and waving to me.. I think he was worried cause I was crying... so then I would just laugh cause everyone would look at him funny and then look at me and smile. Then we went and taught Juarex and he is doing so great, he is really feeling the spirit which is awesome. He was describing how his heart felt and how he knew that what we were saying was true. Then he told us his heart is on the right side of his body but I think I've been teased to much in my life so I didn't believe him cause he likes joking around.. turns out he was serious. I've never met anyone with their heart on the right side. So now for some strange moments. We were waiting for the subway and there was a pretty rough looking crowd next to us and all the sudden this man who looked like a pirate from the Caribbean jumped over and he continued to jump around us for about two minutes, telling us his version of some religious stories. We stepped closer to the wall so he didn't accidental knock us onto the track and then afterwards we just laughed and we're really grateful is wasn't at all scary or threatening.. just really weird. Then this morning there was a guy dancing/walking down the street. Heather he looked like that guy in that clip we would watch of the guy going step bomp step bomp bomp.... i hope you know what i'm talking about.. it was funny. So all is well. We were able to teach the Komasa family and they are wonderful.. just really busy. There too year old atia kept saying uh huh.. ya... and repeating what we were saying. It was darling. She gave me about five hugs that night and it was an answer to my prayers cause I miss hugging all my nieces and nephews so much. And she really knows how to squeeze. I hope you all know how much I love you and pray for you. Everyone of you are an answer to my prayers in so many ways! I'm so thankful. Have a great day!
Love Sister Ferocious... that's what this older man from the Philippines calls me :) I don't know if that's how you spell it though.

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